☕ Organic Probiotic Dark Tea – a Rare Gem! ☕

Fermented and Compressed Dark Tea (Fu Zhuan Cha)

This is a rare and unique, niche tea from Hunan Province, China. It is an Organic Fermented Dark Tea.

Organic Fu Zhuan Cha Fermented Dark Tea

As many of you know, I’ve always been passionate about my Taiwanese Black teas and dark Oolongs like GABA Oolong and Oriental Beauty – and I still am 😊. But lately I’ve found myself brewing up this awesome Dark tea more frequently than any of my old favs! It’s really got me hooked! For those not familiar this tea, I find it to be quite a sweet, pleasant and easy drinking tea. It has some similarities a mature, ripe pu erh – mellow, mildly vintage, rich, but not as earthy. Someone told me they noticed slight malty, nutty, cherry notes in their brew. It infuses into a beautiful wine-red hue and is good for multiple infusions.

Probiotic tea

I’m not usually so big on promoting and parading health properties of teas, but this tea certainly does have a good story with its probiotic content of a unique fungi (eurotium cristatum). This may be beneficial for gut microbiota modulation and thus promoting gut health. Seems like studies are only in the infant stages at present, but its looking good. Apparently, Xinjiang is one of the top five longevity regions in the world and globally has one of the highest percentages of people living over a hundred years old. The Japanese have been studying and analysing the health properties and benefits of this tea for many years in relation to its longevity factor. As a result, Japan is now the biggest importing country for Fu Zhuan Cha.

Vintage Aging Tea

Dark teas are in the same family as Pu erh teas and most varieties are processed somewhat similarly to ripe pu erh. This particular Dark tea is unique in that it contains a live fungi called e. cristatum (golden flower in Chinese) that facilitates the fermenting process and enriches the flavor of the tea. This tea comes in 500g bricks. The bricks are not too tightly compressed and can be easily pulled apart. The stock we have available now is a 2019 vintage. It ages very well. It’s a fairly pricey specialty tea, but definitely worth considering if you are discerning tea drinkers and connoisseur.


Wine red brewed tea colour


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